Friday, July 20, 2012

Weekend YAY!

Well this was a wild week in terms of running. I haven't run since Saturday's race, and I feel it. Hopefully tonight I can bang out a few quick miles to try to get my body moving again. This weekend I'm hoping to actually do something with this "interval training," make a shit ton of popsicles, and do something nice for my boyfriend who still seems to like me, no matter how many nights I keep him up. If I'm an insomniac, you're an insomniac.

Also, I was googling to find a picture of that "I'm a bird, you're a bird" scene from The Notebook. Do you know that it's a thing for people to reenact that scene and take black and white pictures for the purposes of engagement photos or blogs? Not wild about that.

Some links from around the internet:

Well this shirt is remarkable. 

Mountain Berry is the best flavor.

Oh, crap. We're all screwed. No but seriously, go outside or do a pushup or drink some water or something. Also, sometimes I wear a sports bra under my real clothes. It's almost like working out.

Here's a great list of walks in the LA area

I am now on a mission to stay in every single one of these yurts.

It's been a Beyoncé type of week.

Weekly totals:
Runs: 1 (half marathon motherfuckers)
Total miles: 13.1

Image via.

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